
Grain Growers - Real benefits. Real results.
“Lims1 has allowed us to become much more adaptable to our clients’ needs. The ability to customise Lims1, to cope with a wide range of samples and to be able to analyse and report has greatly improved our efficiency.”

Ian Wesley, Principal Research Scientist


City of Townsville

“Lims1 is one of the lab’s best investments and is fast becoming a productivity tool. The efficiency gains are showing its effect in the lab’s turnaround time and better job allocation for the lab teams.”

Edgar Salvador, Laboratory Coordinator


Queensland Urban Utilities

“We adopted Lims1 as our laboratory information system in 1996 and have worked closely with LTech over the past 17 years to help Lims1 evolve into an essential and cost-effective business system for a wide range of laboratories in Australia and overseas.  The LTech team has a deep understanding of laboratory procedures and requirements and works closely with Lims1 users to set up and maintain their systems to a high standard. The Lims1 system is highly user-configurable, but when support is required, the LTech team provides unmatched help in addressing any issues and teaching the users to understand the system and avoid future problems.  We can confidently recommend Lims1 to any laboratory considering the purchase of a laboratory information system.”

Bob Gray,Manager Scientific Analytical Services

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