Lims1 is Now Offered as a Hosted Service

Hosted Solution

Lims1 has been a reliable software product for over 25 years with its easy and flexible features. At LTech we believe in truly understanding your needs and in creating products and solutions for superior lab management. Flexible LIMS for LTech means easy configuration by lab staff, user defined fields, flexible registration templates, intuitive interfaces and user designed reports.

In our pursuit of superior lab management, we now provide an alternative method of delivering Lims1. Apart from the traditional way where laboratories self-host Lims1 on their premises, LTech now also offers Lims1 software hosted on LTech’s own servers and provides Lims1 as Software as a Service. With this delivery structure, laboratories only need to pay a set monthly fee for access and usage of the software.

In this article, we are going to look into the advantages of Lims1 Hosted and what factors to consider in determining if Lims1 Hosted is the right choice for your laboratory.



A Hosted solution allows LTech to act as one-stop-shop for Lims1 which means your IT overhead is lower for maintaining Lims1. Moreover, the Hosted structure allows for a more effective upgrade and internal maintenance, ensuring problem resolution to be optimised and handled without any delay. This total system maintenance, in turn, guarantees an improved customer service, business continuity, consistent and rapid responses.

The implementation of the software is easier, the laboratory does not need to go through the hassle of ensuring that servers and network hardware are available, not to mention the technical resources required to look after it. The laboratory just needs to arrange for devices (workstations, laptops or tablets) and connection to the Internet to access Lims1. This requires less initial capital to utilise a highly functional LIMS.

The price structure of monthly rate means that the cost is predictable, there is no big CAPEX surprises.


Factors to Consider for Hosted Solution

When a laboratory is considering Lims1 Hosted there are a few variables that need consideration apart from the normal laboratory LIMS requirements.

The laboratory needs to consider its Internet capability, as the hosted system will require an internet connection to operate. The connection needs to have reasonable bandwidth as well as have reliable up time.

It is important to know if the LIMS offered in Hosted environment has the same functionalities as the in house system. The Lims1 Hosted service uses exactly the same software that we distribute for in house deployment.  All upgrades are offered as per current practices.  The benefit is that upgrades can be provided as soon as you are ready; no waiting for IT to initiate a project or put you on a list.

Who owns the data. You do. Whilst the data is hosted on LTech’s servers, the data belongs to you. All databases are backed up nightly. If you require a copy, you only need to ask.


To conclude, Lims1 Hosted is a great alternative for labs that do not have the initial capital for their own servers or the software purchase. A hosted solution can provide a highly functional LIMS to labs often more quickly and with less upfront cost compared to the self-host purchase model. Labs need to assess their capability before purchase to understand how well the hosted solution integrates with their environment. All in all, Lims1 Hosted can provide Labs that traditionally could not afford LIMS the ability to have high functioning LIMS while they grow their business and accumulate capital.

Call LTech to organise an obligation free trial. You will be impressed.

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